Thursday, January 9, 2014

Drugs..Death...and Dancing: PART I

I need a heart needs a beat.
What are your triggers...for memories?
The morning started early~ I got
on the road just after 7:00 am in the throes of a long awaited storm.
My heart beat was on overload, this excursion was one totally done in the name of love.
For some crazy, emotionally zapped reason, I began to think about
Christ...and if he ever knew fear.
Well, of course didn't He?...I had momentarily forgot about what happened in Gethesemane.  I think, that a lot of us do.
What precipitated the  thought, was the angst I was feeling, driving along in the elements of fog, snow packed roads, and the furry of the storm, so that I could help a loved one, keep a promise.
We do whatever it help those we love, those who are in need, if it is within our power to do so.
Songs from the cd's Work and the Glory, was keeping me company.  The wipers were whipping back and forth frantically  keeping my line of sight clear.
...and then I was transported back in time...
I was back about 10 years ago in thought.
Our middle son, has suffered an accidental overdose.  He had been on pain medication, for an old injury...and was fighting a bout of pneumonia, no money for a doctors appointment, thus self medicating  with  too much cough syrup, thinking if a little did "this", then a lot would certainly cut the congestion, cough and tightness in his chest...but, oh yeah...he forgot the pain medication he was on, unfortunately had similar properties.

The result: 27 strokes, 2 heart attacks, and a coma.
It was Christmas Eve, we had gathered as a family in the little room, the hospital had for such contingencies.
Our daughters, had fixed up a pan of lasagna, our traditional meal for this most holy night.
An orderly, comes running down the hall..."Mrs. Ellison, Mrs. Ellison...your son woke up for just a moment, and asked me to please tell you, HE LOVES YOU, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT and he is fighting real hard to come back."
...and then he laid back down on his pillow, comatose...
They say, NO ONE, ever uses up all the miracles that are theirs...
I have seen so much suffering in this world.  Maybe we just don't know how to ask, or if in the asking...will we really accept the answer that will help us grow the most?
I am tired, it is still early evening, but I can feel sleep tugging at the back of my eyelids. 
My trip down the mountain, was uneventful.  Precious cargo, was retrieved and delivered.  I am not, the professional driver my man is.  I am a Lover, a Mom, a Nana...Auntie, Sister, Grand-daughter, Friend..Daughter...Niece.
The sun is setting, the sky ablaze in the colors, only a winter sunset explodes with.  Wineberry, orange and lavender, streaked with glorious gold.
Tomorrow, will afford us time again, to search, share and believe in the goodness we come here for.


  1. Oh Jamie, what a wonderful post. It brought tears to my eyes, as I was trying to visualize your pain from that moment in time..

  2. It seems almost a lifetime ago. I am so happy for Rock and Shanie and his 3 little blessings!! Who would've thunk? Love you Mama!!

  3. Jamie, this is so beautifully done I have no words.....
