Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Think like a tree...

An ordinary miracle awaits you today,
wrapped up like it's nothing new...
you almost pass it by again
then there it is, right before your eyes.

...the only way through spring, is winter...
Hang tough through a cold spell~

It's December.  The month of glorious enlightenment, 
love in abundance, and simple acts of kindness.

I have been sitting here, trying to figure out the best way to share my heart, with my friends.  Stories are a good way 
in sharing who we are, and why.
Sometimes though an added blessing occurs.  In honesty
great healing happens, and hearts connect
and we realize, we are not 
never have been.

Always provide shelter for those in need...
Grow strong without notice...
prepare for each season.

My sweet Mother, always left the door to our home open.
We were constantly feeding, and sheltering, family, 


friends, and casual acquaintances, with good food and
If it wasn't a holiday, they were planning vacations in the area, and planning on being at our home for the better part of it.
We slept outside, when the weather permitted, in
sleeping bags on the grass, under 
the stars.

In the morning we would cook breakfast over the
fire pit.  It was better than 
camping in the mountains...
well because we had the convenience of bathrooms
and hot water, without having to 
wait while it heated up!

But we always...headed to the canyons, for hikes, 
to the falls, nearby caves, or just random
mountain trails.
We were never short on the stuff adventures
are made of.

Soak up in the sun...
Affirm life's magic~
Be graceful in the wind.

I cherish the time she spent in preparations.
I did not at the time.  Always kind of  felt a little
put out, because I was the oldest of 
six kids in the family, 
and filled in all the blank spots where Mom,
needed help.

But having lived to the ripe old age that I am now,
I appreciate ALL, that she did day in and 
day out, making life happen.

Feel refreshed after it rains...
Stay deeply rooted.

I believe everything she did, she acted selflessly.
I don't think she really knew  the effect it would have on her posterity.  
She exemplified the life of a tree...beauty
regardless of the season.
Serving in unspoken traits of  shelter
and meaning.

A society grows great when old men plant trees
whose shade they know they 
will never sit in.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You can't buy Happiness...BUT you can buy books~

...a room without books is a body without a soul...

Been a long month already, and it's only the middle of November.

I missed book group again this month. I have not been able to meet with The Ladies to much this year.   More than anything I miss the lively discourse!

We have a discussion and then share in a potluck.
The host is different every month and  depending on how many people are in attendance, is about how many differing views there are, on what we have read.   There are usually about fifteen of us, and it can get quite lively!


I was blessed to be raised in a home, where reading was encouraged!  My Father, was the avid reader, we all got our own library cards as soon as we could hold a book... but I fell in love with the escape of it all.

The first time I saw my Mother,
sitting at the kitchen table, nibbling on a sandwich as she turned the pages.  Instilled within me a yearning I can't quite describe.
She had sent all of us kids outside to play, and thought she had the house to herself for a few moments.

The sun, was peeking through the curtains, the windows were open and the breeze from the canyon, was just right.

She was transported~

So engrossed in the printed word, she did not hear me ask for cookies to take outside.  I took that as a yes, and grabbed a couple of handfuls, to share with the neighborhood kids, and my siblings.


Dad, always had books on every subject imaginable scattered throughout the house.  It was good fodder for discussion, debate, and heated commentary.   The older I got, the more inclined I was to test my knowledge with that of Pops.  I always came away learning more.  It created within me the desire to participate in the Forensic class in High School.

As I have gotten older, I always have about six or more  books checked out from the library at each visit.  I usually have several reads going on at the same time.

I am weird, I accept that.

It's just that I read according to my mood, and believe it or not, if it cannot hold my attention, or stimulate thought, or if it is written poorly,  I do not finish it.  I simply start on another one.  

I always have something to read with me, no matter where I am.
(Never know if I am going to be held up somewhere, stoplights, traffic jams, construction...waiting on my guy, so I am prepared to be transported, entertained or enlightened.)

My first true love as a writer was Dr. Seuss...but I cut my teeth on Mother Goose, and so did my children.

Plus:  It's the cheapest vacation you will ever take!

A room with out books,
is a body without a soul~

Friday, November 14, 2014

A sister is a bit of childhood that can never be lost SISTERHOOD III

I like me best when I'm with you...

Do you have a favorite memory of when you were young
and all the world was still magic.  Maybe you didn't want the wonder to end, and then one day you woke up, wishing to hurry and grow up
and get on to the next great adventure...
and that was probably the next day, if you were spending it
with someone you most always had fun with?

I was the oldest of six children.
A time did come when
I just wanted to hurry and grow up,
get married
and  start my own family!

Now that I am older, and have petty much raised my
own children, and started on the grand babies...
I have a deeper love and appreciation for all of the tender memories
of my own dear sisters.

Cathy was 5 years younger than me. 
She absolutely delighted me.
Where I was blonde and green eyed, she was dark and brown eyed.
She loved, loved music!
Her first extreme infatuation, happened, with
she loved the movie, but became transfixed with the music.

One Christmas, each of the kids (there were three at the time)
each got a sweet little wooden, rocking chair.
Cathy, would sit and rock contentedly for hours, 
listening to that musical score.  Over, and over again. 
Mom, got a lot of house work done,
while her little one was entertained in this matter.
To this day, music is a huge part of her life.

We shared in lots of adventures outside in the orchards as children. As adults  she has
become one of my most trusted confidants.


Holly, was a lot younger than me, when she made her debut to the Twitchell family.  
She has always been an angel.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, beautiful singer...
and we like a lot of the same things.
Decorating, cleaning house, trying out new recipes.

One time she invited me as a guest, when she was giving a report in Jr. High.  We taught the class how to apply make-up.  I've always wondered how the boys sat through those 15 minutes.


Natalie, "little one born at Christmas"...
She could have been my own child as far as the age differences, and for all intents and purposes, I treated like my own.
Mother, had a lot of demons she continually struggled with and was not "present" through most of the emotional growth
of her two younger daughters.
She would go through spells of normalcy, and then have a break down of sorts...and well, being the oldest daughter,
I have always felt like I have been a parent to, two  families.
The one I was born into, and the one I've raised with my sweetheart.

Not complaining, just trying to share a little background.
My Mom, truly is one of my heroes!

Natalie, was affectionately called my "Little Noodley"!
She had a head of hair, that was totally out of
control with riotous curls~

I took her every where with me, even on a few dates.
When I married, I think she missed me the most.

...If  only you sense how important you are
to the lives of those you meet...
 How important 
you can be to people you may never even dream of.
There is something 
leave at every meeting with another person.
You are the magic* 

I have been trying to decide what I should leave with you today.
You see, I have not outgrown, or moved 
far enough away, to escape.  
I choose to shoulder a certain responsibility
where "others" are concerned.

I truly believe that we are here for the sake of others.
We carry an unspoken responsibility 
because we are members
of the greatest club on earth:
humanity ~

Life with my sisters, who I grew up with. 
Who I
cried, laughed, teased, played with...
worked with,
learned with, have grieved with,
rejoiced with,  and mourned with, has helped mold me
into who I am today.

I know that all four of us, love to have our backs scratched,
and our feet massaged, and that none of us are afraid
of work.  We strive to have a clean and orderly home, and enjoy 
cooking up a hot meal for friends, and family.

A walk through the snow, or hike on a dusty mountain trail, 
shuffling along a beach, or standing on hot pavement waiting for a parade to pass by...
all have a significant place in our

When it comes right down to it, in death and life
we are there for each other in any capacity
that we can. 

That call in the wee hours of the morning, with a husband who is suffering in another PSTD out cry..."come please, come."

The text of utter despair with a child who is out of control...

The surgery recovery.

The writing of an obituary you never, ever imagined you would write.

The visit where together we work through that demon of self doubt.

The planning of parties, and support of Mom in her traditions.

Even though I am the oldest,
I learned at the feet of my Mother, and she at hers, and she at hers.
A sister is a bit of childhood that can never be lost.

Sisterhood, is eternal.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Tomorrow is never promised...SISTERHOOD Part II

...remember, remember this now ~

It has been a week of fulfillment, planning and spending a lot of time on the phone trying to make a project come 

What has been joyful, is most of it has been done with "Sisters"...
Meaning, women.  
Women who have a common interest
in family, friendship, and working
to make a difference. 

My husband and I have been blessed with 10 grandsons
and one beautiful little granddaughter, Ruby.
We love, love, love spending time with them.
Creating memories, sharing, and learning together,
traveling, hunting, working, serving others...
and ~ eating!

When, we are all together, I try to envision how we are
going to be able to keep all of those future YOUNG MEN, full~
Dinner time will hold a new meaning, I am sure.
I'll just ring the dinner bell and call them to


Whenever we are blessed with an assignment in service,
I am one of the lucky ones who witness firsthand
the delight of a loving Heavenly Father.

It comes through the smiles of those we serve ~ 

It comes in a freshly load of laundry, washed, folded and put away...

It comes in that extra dozen or so, cookies you load up
and deliver to the bachelor down the dirt road...

It comes in the non-stop talking of women, as they plan an
event that will benefit a soul who is fighting for her very life...

It comes in that little group of children, who you get to associate with every Tuesday, as you LEARN together. 

It comes in the phone call from a friend, who says "YES, I can help clean the church!" 

I comes through that little THANK YOU, showing up in the mail, on the day you were about to loose your mind, and you
realize that "It's worth it!"

It comes in the warm embrace of those who will let you 
HUG them.

It comes in the crazy text at 5:00am from a daughter who just wanted to tell you, she loves ya, and she is so glad you taught her, the value of hard, honest work.

It comes, and it comes, and it comes...if you are engaged in the living of life, and in sharing 


Today, I just want to thank my Sisters, who I inherited in marriage.
They will never really know how they have influenced me
unless, I can try to emulate the good souls they are.

The older Sis, who traveled with me the first time I flew in an airplane.  WOW, the necessity of chewing gum, and staying calm never had more meaning!

The Sister who sets the example of beauty in all that she does,
home, meals, kids and of course, herself.

The Sister, who married young, but has been able to keep up with all of her crazy "Older" Sisters, and who offered
me rest, at a time in my life...when my heart was broken, and I
just needed a quiet place to sleep.

The Sister, who lives where it is warm year round,
and sends me invitations to come and 
visit whenever I want.

The Sister who has raised a family of ALL, sons...and is still
the constant grace in beauty amongst  an overload of testosterone which is always in full evidence.

You have helped me define the reality, of a heart being able to enlarge in love. 

And I thank you~

Live an honorable life.
Then when you get older and think back...
you'll be able to enjoy it
a second time.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The love we give away...is the only love we keep~ Sisterhood: Part I

Love only grows by sharing...

I woke up this morning, with such a feeling of reverence.
It's blustery outside...fall is here, with winter
nipping at her heals.
Despite the cold in the air, my heart is warm.
Music is playing faintly in the background, and my favorite scented candle is lit.
A fire is stoked and the cabin is cozy.

Sitting here at the computer the rain has begun to fall, I notice that there are a few white flecks amongst the wet...we will have snow, before the day is out.

I was reviewing some posts on FB, and noticed that my sister had carried off her Halloween party to perfection.
She is definitely carrying on in our
Mother's tradition.

Mom, lived to throw a party, and when there was not a 
holiday around the corner to celebrate...well she simply created one.
She was happiest when making

This led me down the lane of thoughts cherished.
I am in awe of the relationships that women share, whether family or friend.

How we mange to always find the time to be there for each other no matter what is on our plate and needing attention.

I ran into a close friend from my younger years last week while babysitting some of my grand babies.  It was a beautiful day and they were out in the yard chasing each other around.

I was perched on a step off the front porch.  I noticed this adventurous woman, out on a scooter, pass by, and then stop and turn around.  I had been thinking of someone else, when she happened by and called out the wrong name.
Anyway, long story short, here is my best friend that I grew up with, climbed the apple trees with,
had sleepovers every single weekend together,
thought I would grow up and marry one of her handsome brothers...ya, you know the scene

It was like we had not lost 50 plus years.  We picked up immediately and shared what you can in 30 minutes, with promises to call, or find the time to really sit down together, some day soon.

If we do or don't it will be okay, because we have this unspoken bond that will always keep our hearts close.

Caused me to reflect on the relationships I have with so many kindred spirits, the ones that have been there in the glory days...and the ones who stood silently by, when my heart was broken...knowing there was nothing they could do to reverse the grief, but they would be there to help put me back together.

Made me realize that those of us, who are blessed in friendships, chosen or born into, are fortunate...and if you aren't...well choose to be.  

Go and find someone to bless in your goodness.
Don't wait for that person, standing alone, to approach you..make the first gesture yourself.

Smile, it is the universal language, that breaks all barriers down.

What I want to leave with you, before we get together again, is that it's so important to make an investment of relationships.
It's the ONLY thing we can take with us when we leave this earthly life.  Won't matter a tiddler's tink how much money you have in the bank, what schools your kids went to,
of how big your home is.

A society grows great when "old men, or women" plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in.
Invest in yourself, by sharing your goodness.

The love we give away...is the only love we keep~

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Begin with YES!

Everyone is trying to accomplish something Big, not realizing that life is made up of an array of 
little things... 

I just returned from a quick trip to Utah.
Went down to spend a little time with siblings and to babysit
for a son and daughter in law who were celebrating
an anniversary!

It was four days of jam packed adventure.
A pumpkin patch walk about...
then coming home to dig out the guts, plant random seeds,
and carve lopsided grins with scary eyes.

Walks in the leaves, and rides looking for Halloween decorations set out by others. 
McDonalds, was the choice for treats!

Bed time stories,

paper jets,
 football games...
and just hanging out with 'Nanna.

Every time I show up with out Pap, though
it is a let down for these precious babies.
They love their grandpa...and so do I!

It is amazing to me, how the world around us is always scrambling
to find something bigger and better to occupy their time,
their wish lists, their accomplishments.

There is nothing wrong with that.  Goals and reached goals are mandatory for society to continue on.  

it is so important along the way
to find a balance.

Notice the
little things, the simple things,
the transformation of
leaves in fall...
The miracle of a harvest in and of itself.
The sudden air formations
as geese, trumpeter swans and other fowl
find their way south.

The disappearance of bats, and mosquitoes, when the temperatures get cooler, and in the same breath...the sudden visits of
those little four legged creatures, mice...who are trying to find a warmer place to roost with the winter months coming up.

At our cabin...UNLUCKY for them...because, well
I don't like how they startle
the daylights out of me, so I have an abundance of traps
strategically placed to end any trespassers life.

I think the word is getting out.
The traps have began to lie dormant ~ but ever waiting.

Today, as I was loading up the cardboard, left over from all of the equipment, my husband purchases for our business,
I was stopped in my tracks, 
caught up in the delight of diamonds that
sparkled in a cobweb off the eaves of our front porch.

I have left it alone, hoping to share it with loved ones who are coming to visit this weekend.

The smell of cinnamon and cloves entrap all of my senses.
I want to bake, or simmer my own potpourri,
or create sachets for drawers, 
or just dip myself in their oils and relive the memories of
sticking cloves in oranges as a school project  
The one that
we would bring home and wrap ever so carefully and present
as a gift for our Mother or Grandmother...or auntie,
or hide it away for our self.

I bought myself a new box of markers.
I love to color, and I am making plans for another illustration

I have always been a "barefoot" type of girl, and wear flip flops way past the time of being sensible.
So today, I slipped on my wool slippers, and realized it is ok
to admit, that I like that all encompassing feeling
of warm toes.

The fire is stoked.

Chinese take-out is awaiting the return 
of my man.

Down filled quilts are on the beds, just waiting for the arrival
of family tonight.

An ordinary  miracle awaits you today, wrapped up like it's 
nothing new...you almost pass it by again,
and then there it is, 
right before your eyes.
Rejoice in the ordinary~

Monday, October 6, 2014

"All we have to do, is decide what to do with the time given us." Tolkein

There are moments that'll
last forever
etched in our memories
written on our souls...

I've been away for a while.

Sometimes life just gets in the way of really 
doing the things your heart wants to.

The summer came, and the summer is gone.

Worked, worked...and worked some more.
My guy, has been gone so much 
I jokingly told him we needed to buy a fifth wheel so I could travel with him, just so I won't  forget what he looks like.

That being said, we are here at the threshold of 
my favorite season of the year...fall.

October is the years last loveliest smile.
It heralds all the things I love....spice candles,
the flash of bright orange and reds and burnished gold in the leaves, the pumpkins,
the festive lights dangled from the porch as a welcome to all who pass by, or actually stop in for a hello.
Hearty soups, baked breads and pies, cookies galore.
Walks through the woods...and entrapment
for kids who love a good ghost story, at the knees of Nana. 

It welcomes in all of the wonderful holidays~


We've had some family affected in this marathon called life.

Death of a beloved grandmother.

Sister fighting a valiant battle of cancer.

Career moves, and more moves.

An Ultra marathon
50 miles of mountain trails, and the triumph in that completion.
(No, it was not me, but a beloved daughter-in-law.)

Witnessing my man, fall with a ladder, 20 feet up
onto a woodpile!
(He walked away with bruises only and a minor cut, but wounded pride because his woman saw it happen!) 

A wonderful Family Reunion, where all hearts were reunited!

Grandbabies getting a year older...
and deciding
that I can choose to look good in "gray"
or still keep touching up with a little blonde  highlighting.
For right now, I choose a little gold, mixed in with the silver.

I turned 60, this year.

I've learned to take the good with the bad, but more importantly learned to see everything that happens along the way
as something  I can use to better myself.

Be good!
Do good...share your goodness~

Friday, April 25, 2014

To recognize and express gratitude, is to touch Heaven...

 ...to plant a garden, is to believe in tomorrow...
but to recognize the one you had
no plan in, as a simple
gift from God,
is the essence  in life.


We have spent a hysterical couple of days with loved ones.
Busy, busy...lacrosse games, soccer games, parties, brunches and shopping!

Traveled to Utah,  for my Dad's 80th birthday party!  It was a grand gathering of friends and posterity.
And the stories shared...one minute you're laughing, and the next crying.  All in all, the consensus  was we are pretty dang lucky to have him in our lives!

My baby sister shared the conspirator scheme at church when she was younger.  She would throw a fit, and rather than take her out to the foyer, Dad would sneak off to 7-11 and purchase a Dr. Pepper, for himself and a cherry slurpee for the little tyrant.

My brother who was the marathon runner, related a conversation that had taken place as he was training.  Pops, had told him there was NO WAY he was going to be able to finish the race if he could not train with more than 10 miles per day under his belt.
Randy, took it wrong as most teenagers would.
He thought that Dad, was trying to undermine him,
when in reality, he was championing him to run harder...to stretchhhhhhhh!
As it turned out, it was a pivoting accomplishment in his life, with Dad being there for him the whole way.

It was an afternoon that filled all of us, and hopefully let our father know just how much of an influence for good, he has nurtured.


...we can never escape, God's lovely essence...

I know that Easter has come and gone, I just wish we could hang onto that lovely sense of rebirth for a wee bit longer.

I am sitting at the computer this morning, the skies are gunmetal grey and there is a sprinkling of new snow adorning the mounds and mounds of "ugly" snow melt we have hiding out
in the underbrush of the this magnificent 
lodge pole forest.  

We have a five year old grandson visiting for a few days.
He will not start kindergarten until the next school year. 

He has been fascinated with the wood chopping, 
and feeding the stove for heat.  
I did not have to convince him that keeping a sweatshirt on all day helps us stay more warm.  
Kids are smart, if we let them be.  

We have baked bread, and homemade biscuits and Texas Fudge cake...and filled our bellies until we couldn't stuff 'em any more, but the best thing of all has been observing him in his play mode.

Watching him create his own "hut" and strategically 
place every kind of need, at the most
opportune place for quick 
access...mainly his play
guns, but a few golf clubs too!!

The best time though, was when Pap, joined us in a game of Dominoes, and acquiesced that for us to use every single piece,  the old rules did not apply. 
 It is never to late, to teach an old dog 
new tricks! 

We have played marbles, until my shooter thumb is raw...sang songs till our voice became hoarse, and read stories
falling asleep with the book in
our laps. 

I have slept like the dead.

A sure cure for an insomniac...spend quality time with a 

I have a tremendous love for this area.  My husband and I
came NORTH, to offer a new start for a few of our
family members needing that.

It has been six years of growth, I had not really expected.

We lost a son-in-law and a son two years after 
we moved here.
The rest of our
family has moved on, or is living south of us.
Our grandchildren are growing fast
and I am torn in the attachment we have formed here
and in moving closer to where

I have always wanted to offer a refuge for our children, a place they could come to escape, from what they see day in and day 
out, and yet life has a way of throwing things 
into the mix, you really do not anticipate. 

Maybe my guy and I just need a year
by ourselves, to figure 
it out.

Meanwhile, there is bread to bake...
cabins to clean, great books to read, a new bike to break
in, and creating a magic place of refuge for those who can come to visit, along the way.

...every path has a few puddles...

Friday, April 11, 2014

Home Grown: II

 ...experience is what you get, when you didn't get what you wanted,
and experience is often
 the most valuable thing you have to offer...

What brings you here my friend?
I hope it is the promise that truth and experience, still
stand for something, and that we can grow in sharing 
That being said, goodness takes on a refining fire...whether you're cooking up something scrumptious to eat, planting a garden, or trying to plan a memorable funeral for a loved one.

I recently shared with you about leaving everything that was comfortable, known, tried and true...to follow my husband
on an adventure in growth, to Idaho.


We got here in '08...ran the gamete...
made a lot of mistakes in working a 100 year old resort.
We learned more about the human spirit in a "Reader's Digest Condensed Version"...than most people would
in several lifetimes.

My daughter recently ran into a man, we had been working with us
the first year we took to managing.  His comment to her was that.
"Your folks are good people."
 She wanted to know what we had done to illicit this kind of statement from an almost virtual stranger. 

I asked her WHO, he was...and then I knew.
It must have been the bacon.
Unless you hate PORK...you know what I mean.

We had a group of men, working the grounds and preparing after the harsh winters at 6,700'.  
It was May, and we were scrambling to get things repaired, and working.  The mornings were more than crisp...at 27 degrees, they were down right cold.
Every morning, I would start the day by fixing my
guy a hot breakfast....and more often than not, that included
crispy fried pieces of bacon.which wafted over the entire resort.
It was the BEST calling card for action.
Often, I would look out our little cabin window, and the whole front yard, back yard, and meadow across the way would be filled
with workers, sprucing up the place...trimming grass, hammering up fallen fences, or jacking up cabins, in preparation for fixing a  myriad of  plumbing matters.

I would open the door and call out..."You guys want to take a 5 minute break?  I've got some extra bacon cooked up?"

I never had to ask twice, 
and I never had any leftover bacon.
It was a cheap fare for a commitment to excellence!
For the most part...they were great young 
men who followed instructions
and got the "job" done.

I learned a long time ago, that you can get a man to do just about anything for you... if you please his stomach.

We probably learned more about character in those first couple of years than any other time in our life.  I know it was because
WE were the managers.

We encountered laziness, and excellence in performance!
We forgave a lot, and taught those under our stewardship
that ANYTHING could be accomplished, if we

We hauled off tons, and I do mean tons of garbage.
We came to know that the owner bought lots of 
STUFF, hoping to find a use for it somewhere down the line.
It was HOARDING in all of it's glory!
I would  fall in love with reading books again.   If a spare minute was to be found, I would crawl away with a blanket and hide with a flashlight.  Truth be known, more times than not we were too exhausted to do anything other than eat, and fall in bed at night...but on occasion I would flip a page or two of a good read.

We were salary, 
and that meant...there was no such thing as a time clock,
or private time.
In other words, we were owned!

 There came a time, when I had to demand that my guy
take an hour to go hold a meeting on the river.

It kept him sane...and it proved to me, that a balance is needed
in order to keep things moving in the right direction.
However, those meetings on the river, were far and few.
became the respite for a weary heart.
When I started writing this morning, I really did not have a specific
direction.  I am sorry about that.
I wanted to share a little about my father.
It is his birthday today.  He is 80 years young...and I owe to him
my keen love and respect for the out of doors.
No he did not hunt,
he did not fish,
we did not have a cabin off in the hills,
but we would share the most remarkable outings
gathering firewood,
or rocks for the patio...or hikes in the mountains...and
stories under star lit skies.
I owe him a lot.
When I started dating seriously...I wanted to find a man
who did like to hunt, who wanted to wet a hook,
who eventually would lead me to a place  where we could
live in the woods.
And I have. 

My father, has always been the constant in my life.
I have always known, that I could call on him for anything,
and have learned that in my darkest hours, his love would help me see it through.

Even though he will never admit it...he instilled in me,
a greater lover and understanding of my Father in Heaven.  I have been raised with the knowledge that I have the best of everything
at my fingertips...
For this I am eternally grateful.

 I married a man...who has carried on in that tradition.
His love of nature and respect for it,
his love for his children, and wife...and the eternal scheme of 
things, are the most important issues of daily breath.

I am blessed in knowing that I should be more concerned about my character...that's what I really am.
Where as a reputation, is just what others think about me.


The best is yet to come.