Saturday, January 18, 2014

God's all around you.

...there is no wifi
in the forest, but I promise...
you'll find a better 

 Today, I was lucky enough
to drive in pure sunshine on the way to clean
a cabin out on Boot Jack, Drive.

It was glorious.
I thought of how as a teenager, after I had bought
my first little car, a VW Beetle...I so enjoyed
my "drive abouts".

Every now and then I
would tell my folks I was going to church...and off I would
head to the mountains...
the trees, the lake...or gurgling creeks.

The sacredness and wonder of nature,
was all this troubled heart ever needed to feel whole again.
I still feel that...however, I have 
also found great harmony, sense of purpose,
promise and absolute JOY
in attending church.

I never, felt bad...when I discovered that my own 
children, had found the same sense of solace
and contentment in the mountains.
and would sometimes
sneak off,

"Climb the mountains
and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you 
as sunshine flows
into the

The winds will blow their own 
freshness into you...and the storms their
while care will drop off 
like autumn 

~John Muir

Love that quote.  Saw it on a friends timeline again
today, and I smiled. 


I am reminded of the time I was asked to decorate
for a wedding at the top of 
Alta's Ski Resort.

My first thought was, how to improve on perfection?
The mountain setting, is God's
My second was, this is not going to work, because
the Mother- in- Law who is 
paying for it

But, being in partnership with God, always has 
a happy ending. 

Every time I worked with fresh flowers for any event...I felt such an incredible
touch of my Father in Heaven...inspiring me to do it just right.

  We made it
work, with wildflowers,
sunflowers, ivy, lemon leaf, pine boughs,
and a hydrangea, here and there
for extra vibrant color.
It was a masterpiece...and memorable.
We used river rocks
for the wedding guest place cards,
riotous wreaths, encircled the post of the umbrella'd
outdoor tables, with huge hurricane lanterns,
a large candle set amongst
more rocks.

Bagpipers, heralded the wedding couple 
up the mountainside for the ceremony.
The sun had dipped behind
a cloud, and a faint breeze offered the 
perfect refreshment.

It was the weekend of the July 24th..and hot.
I did not have an air conditioned car...
and had made Starr & Britt, sit in the back
and babysit the arrangements
and brides bouqet
with misters...
from Orem, to the top of 
Little Cottonwood canyon. 
They have always been the best helpers.

Among the trailing of white twinkle lights
and greenery galore
the flowers were just icing on the cake.
It was magic.

I made friends on the East coast...and West Coast
that day.

Whoever finds a friend...finds a treasure.

Sometimes, mine are the trees.


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