Tuesday, January 6, 2015

You're better than the best...

Life likes to be taken by the lapel and told:
Come on kid, let's go! 

As an adult, and now a very "seasoned" one,
I find myself drifting back to wonderful, moments of the past.
It is  special beyond words,
to stumble upon the 
simplest of things in word, or music.

And it's even more rewarding to see that the same goodness 
is affecting my grand kids as much
as it did me, way back when.

 What is around us is always speaking to us...
sending little messages, causing
coincidences and serendipity's...reminding us
to stop, to look around, 
to believe in something else,
something more. 

The human spirit needs places where nature
has not been rearranged by 
the hand of man.

 So at this very special time of year, when we
find reasons to gather,
when the snow falls silently
and the bells chant
their unique song, when all the hours
of the day are filled with magic...
 remember who you are.

A child of the King~ 
You are better than the best.

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