Sunday, January 11, 2015

Music is...what feelings sound like.

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, 
owned, earned or worn.
It is the spiritual experience of living every minute
with love, grace and gratitude." 
Dennis Waitley

The other day, I asked my daughter what  was her earliest recollection of life.  She kind of hummed, hawed around and 
then said she didn't know.  I left it at
I had been working on an outline for a 
project I am starting about 
Thus the question.

My earliest memory is not a pleasant one, but it has made
me look for the goodness in life ever since.
I must have been about four years old.
I had been asked by my Mother to go in and clean the bathroom,
and to be sure and mop around the toilet.

I went in, with brush, comet, a mop pail and rags.  Mind you 
I am four.  On the floor is a little pork and bean at the base of the commode.
Dried up, and non assuming, but it was in a place I could not for the life of me figure out how it had gotten there.
I started to gag.

My Mom, comes running in and starts yelling, "Don't you go messing up the bathroom, you are supposed to be cleaning it!"
Oh my goodness~


I am 60 years "young"...
I love to putter around the house.  To this day
I love cleaning the bathroom.
If I am ever sick with the intestinal flu, I make sure
I throw up, quick and get it over with!


Keep the people close who are happy for your happiness,
and sad in your sadness.
These are the ones who deserve a special
place in your heart.

I have been richly blessed in very special friendships throughout
my life.  
It is amazing the memories one can pull up
through a song, or smell...or driving 
along a specific street.

For instance, my childhood friend who I had a sleepover
with almost every weekend, until we started
Jr. High, is the one I think of when ever I bite into an apple,
or use BABY MAGIC, lotion.
We climbed a lot of apple trees, and that special pink
lotion, was our lotion of choice...always!

I will forever hold close to my heart the special relationship
of a cousin who I lived next door to for several 
years.  We loved to color,
and if given the time and our chores were done
we could practice our craft for hours.
It is this love that has 
afforded me
to be somewhat of an illustrator.

Junior High, was a little different.
When I open up my scriptures, I think of my friend Laurie
who I sat by in Seminary, and we practiced writing 
our names in fancy, unique that
when we were famous we would
have an unusual signature that no one could duplicate.
It is also, where I had my first taste in liking
to express myself in print. 

Representing our Student Council, is where
 I truly realized, that I could
be a friend to everyone... and meant it.

High School.

Where do I start?

I think  that will be best for another day.

The harsh reality of life, hit me when I heard of the
death of my very first boyfriend...who
was my play friend, who ran away with me to
discover the Hobo Camp, near the railroad tracks.
Who went ice-skating every Saturday, with me and my cousin.
Who picked cherries with me, and made the
trek to the nearest swimming hole, on a regular basis.

Who asked me to marry him, when we were in seventh grade,
and I had to turn him down.

Had not heard from him for years.  Losing track of
someone who had that kind of hold on
your heart, no matter how young you were, is NOT a good thing, ever.

I hope he knows, that his personality, his laugh and love of
life has paid great dividends where I am

That in some small regard, I am striving to pass 
 that goodness forward.


I find happiness in the simplest of things.

Music is ...what feelings
sound like.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I was just thinking this morning about my first memory, and it's not a great one, either. :) But it has helped mold how I handle certain situations now. Love reading your blog. :)
