Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Maybe...it's not about the happy ending...maybe it's about the story: Part II

...a pretty face gets old
a nice body will change...
a good woman, will always be a good woman

So yes, the day of the blind date came.
I was about to call and break it because I had already
been horse riding earlier in the day
and I was wore out.

I went to dial the phone and give HIM
a call, and then I got the strongest feeling not to, and I heard 
a voice, "Jamie, you can't do this..."
I turned around and looked to see if it was my Mom, who
had sneaked in the room.
No one was there...must have been my conscience
getting the best of me, and well
I had promised Portia,
one date with her son, LeGrand.


The knock on the door came,
I peered through the glass, and kind of smiled.
There stood "The Kid"...blue jeans, flannel shirt
and leather cowboy hat...
and under that
the bluest of eyes I had ever seen.

A stroll through the mall, dancing, and pizza at 
The Rusty Nail, it was time to go 
park, and get down to some serious business...
We talked, talked, and talked some more,
shared our favorite music, our dreams, our 
hearts...and smooched~ a lot!

Four and a half hours into the night he got around to asking
me a question.  "Jamie, do you care if I date a little?"
I thought this was way weird...what could be behind that question?
I never ever "chased" guys...I was usually running from them...
but after this evening, I had already come up
with some strategy of how to stay in 
this mans life.

But I nonchalantly answered, "No...why?" 
"Well, I want to ask you to marry me..."

All night long, this son of The South, had been quite
sure of himself.   It wasn't a bad thing, it was actually very refreshing,
but I still felt like I needed to blow his mind.

"YES...YES, LeGrand Ellison, I will marry YOU!"

Sealed it with a kiss...he even had a silver spoon ring in his pocket.

Four months later we were married...and then the 
story really began.


To say, it was perfect...I would need to hear what your
definition of perfect is.

See, that's where people get into trouble, they start
comparing, or they have an unrealistic idea of
what "Happily Ever After " really means.

It's the journey...

It's the crazy, hysterical, day in and day out of commitment.
It's the bad hair days, waking up with stinky breath,
it's sick kids, and no personal time,
it's dirty dishes in the sink, and you get a call that 
company is on the way.
It's no money, and a lot of bologna sandwiches.
It's cars and trucks needing new tires,
it's buying yourself new bath towels, when your husband
purchases a new fishing rod.
 It's screaming at the top of your lungs, 
"pull this car over, right now, and let me out!"...
and then, making up later.

It's drinking from stemmed glassware, when really you would rather
fill up your Texas tumbler, but it makes your wife happy
to set a nice table.

It's being able to stand your ground, and yet relent...when you
realize you are wrong...
and then, it's asking to be forgiven.
It's saying you're
it's about making up!  

It's about coming home and finding a flower on your pillow,
or all of the candles, lit in the house at Halloween!

It's looking out the window, and when the most glorious sunset
is happening you run to get your lover
so that they can enjoy it with you.

It's singing together, and when you can't remember 
the words, you make 'em up.

It's laughing hysterically, over something really stupid,
but it feels so good, you can't stop!

It's trying to smile through a gift like a gun...when really
you would have rather had a weekend

It's about taking at least one bite, of whatever has
been prepared for you...even if it means
not chewing it but swallowing it whole! 

It's about parenting...mistakes, triumphs, unspeakable
JOY...and Sorrow.


A perfect marriage is
just two people who refuse to give up on
each other.


 It's like buying a pair of boots that are just
a wee bit to tight, but you put 'em on
anyway...walking through
the puddles of 
everyday use, and by and by
they become the ones you reach for everyday.
They become your

I will never forget the first time I stepped out on the porch
and found a clump of downy looking fur, or
something on the porch...
what it was, was
 LG, had shaved his head, and left the remains
on the porch...to just fly away with the
wind, only there was not a whisper
in the air.

I tried to not be furious!  First of all I was grateful
that it was not the remains of a dead
animal, left for me to find...then I just grabbed a broom
and swept it up.
After that I never found another pile of 
"fur" anywhere.

When he asked his Mom, to come and teach me how to
cook, I had to swallow a lot of Twitchell
pride.  I had never fried chicken
with the skin on,
and I sure as
heck, did not know anything about grits,
black-eyed peas, or baby lima's.

Over the years we combined traditions and created more 
of our own, and it has been okay. 

And now, we have a home filled with our own magic,
a place of refuge from the world, where
music, and books, discourse and fun movies
or maybe just silence, are in abundance.

When holding hands at 
prayer, or walking though the store
is the norm.

we can go through most of a day, and not say anything
and yet know exactly what the other is 

Do I know, this man of mine, would be there for me

Do I ever cook anything with squash in in?
...absolutely not!

We have become trees in the forest of life,
knowing that when the roots
are deep...
there is no fear of the wind. 


And the best is yet to come...


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