Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Our "Heart" rescuer....

You are the one who makes it a brighter day...
so don't forget to glow. 

  So I just have to take a few minutes and share a story about our
dog:  Saydee.

She was a "rescue dog" gifted to our daughter Starr, 
through a very dear friend.  
She has since been dubbed several different names,
Brown  Suga'
Hershey Squirt
Saydee, Saydee Girl
and most recently...
Heart Rescuer. 

" I owe thee much...far, far beyond what I can ever pay."
~ Robert Blair

So this little bundle of brown, came to us in the winter.
Her JOY is to bound through drifts of
that white stuff.

But if winter has not happened yet, she is just as happy
to romp through the woods, hell bent 
for the nearest puddle of 
rain water
river or lake. 

Her next attraction is to hunt down squirells
and those varmint "Pot guts"!
She will stand on point forever...waiting for the opportune
moment to pounce!
And then dig like a demon to chase them
out of their underground tunnels.


I guess if a dog could have a countenance the one word that would describe her is:  JOY!
She is pure determination in action, with a healthy
douse of delight!

God, sees what's in my heart, not the mud between my toes.

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