Tuesday, March 17, 2015

If you only say one prayer a day...make it, THANK YOU~

The secret of having it all...is knowing you already do.

So today is my daughter, Britt's birthday.
She came into the world, with red curly hair, that eventually turned
smokey blonde.  But her eyes are green, and she
has the temperament of an Irish lass.

What a life she has had.

When in second grade she was attacked by a boxer, while
playing in the backyard at a friends.
Lucky for her, a plastic surgeon was just coming off shift
and agreed to stay and work on her, when 
she was admitted to the ER.
Her nose was hanging by a thread, and a big hunk of her lip
had been bitten off, plus puncture wounds galore,
all on her lovely face.

By the time I got to the hospital, her Dad and Grandfather
were already there holding her sweet little hands
and whispering words of courage.
I took one look at her, and the doctor
asked me to please leave, before I passed out and they
had two patients to stitch up.

Long story short, she looked like a miniature Frankenstein
when she was finally put back together.   Two days
later she was back at school, just daring anyone
to make fun of her face.

She healed up beautifully, and if you didn't know the accident had
happened you would not know that the little crease
on the bridge of her nose, was reconstructive.

Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?

This incident is just the beginning of a lifetime of 
challenges, but her story is, hers to tell.

She went on to qualify for the Chess team in Jr. High,
loved ballroom dancing, and can do math figures
in her head.  She is a hiker, a camper, a pyromaniac who
loves to build bonfires, in a snowbank
in the dead of winter.

She lost her husband, a childhood sweetheart, to a head-on
collision.   Now she is raising,
two little man cubs who call her Mommy.

She has become the "tinkerer" in her family, and does not
back down from a challenge when something gets broke.
She tries to figure it out.  It that doesn't work she will make a
call to her Dad, and they come up with a plan of action!

The thing that delights me , is she still calls when
her babies are sick...
when fixing a favorite dish,
when humbled with daily crisis's, 
neighbors dogs gone wild...
missing rent checks in the mail,
chapped hands that nothing she has tried will heal.
just to say "hello".

Stay humble
Work hard
Be kind


She was born, three days after my thirtieth birthday.
I tell her, she was the best
present I ever got.

She has lived a lot of life...is a survivor in heartache, 
and at the end of the day, she can still
kneel in a prayer of thanks.

Don't think of the things you didn't get after praying...
Think of the countless blessings
God, gave you without 
If you only say one prayer a day,
make it
Thank you~


  1. She sounds incredible. Thank you for sharing her story!

  2. Another Ellison warrior! She sounds like a strong little spitfire...bless her beautiful heart❤️
