...remember, remember this now ~
It has been a week of fulfillment, planning and spending a lot of time on the phone trying to make a project come
What has been joyful, is most of it has been done with "Sisters"...
Meaning, women.
Women who have a common interest
in family, friendship, and working
to make a difference.
My husband and I have been blessed with 10 grandsons
and one beautiful little granddaughter, Ruby.
We love, love, love spending time with them.
Creating memories, sharing, and learning together,
traveling, hunting, working, serving others...
and ~ eating!
When, we are all together, I try to envision how we are
going to be able to keep all of those future YOUNG MEN, full~
Dinner time will hold a new meaning, I am sure.
I'll just ring the dinner bell and call them to
Whenever we are blessed with an assignment in service,
I am one of the lucky ones who witness firsthand
the delight of a loving Heavenly Father.
It comes through the smiles of those we serve ~
It comes in a freshly load of laundry, washed, folded and put away...
It comes in that extra dozen or so, cookies you load up
and deliver to the bachelor down the dirt road...
It comes in the non-stop talking of women, as they plan an
event that will benefit a soul who is fighting for her very life...
It comes in that little group of children, who you get to associate with every Tuesday, as you LEARN together.
It comes in the phone call from a friend, who says "YES, I can help clean the church!"
I comes through that little THANK YOU, showing up in the mail, on the day you were about to loose your mind, and you
realize that "It's worth it!"
It comes in the warm embrace of those who will let you
HUG them.
It comes in the crazy text at 5:00am from a daughter who just wanted to tell you, she loves ya, and she is so glad you taught her, the value of hard, honest work.
It comes, and it comes, and it comes...if you are engaged in the living of life, and in sharing
Today, I just want to thank my Sisters, who I inherited in marriage.
They will never really know how they have influenced me
unless, I can try to emulate the good souls they are.
The older Sis, who traveled with me the first time I flew in an airplane. WOW, the necessity of chewing gum, and staying calm never had more meaning!
The Sister who sets the example of beauty in all that she does,
home, meals, kids and of course, herself.
The Sister, who married young, but has been able to keep up with all of her crazy "Older" Sisters, and who offered
me rest, at a time in my life...when my heart was broken, and I
just needed a quiet place to sleep.
The Sister, who lives where it is warm year round,
and sends me invitations to come and
visit whenever I want.
The Sister who has raised a family of ALL, sons...and is still
the constant grace in beauty amongst an overload of testosterone which is always in full evidence.
You have helped me define the reality, of a heart being able to enlarge in love.
And I thank you~
Live an honorable life.
Then when you get older and think back...
you'll be able to enjoy it
a second time.
I am one of the lucky ones who witness firsthand
the delight of a loving Heavenly Father.
It comes through the smiles of those we serve ~
It comes in a freshly load of laundry, washed, folded and put away...
It comes in that extra dozen or so, cookies you load up
and deliver to the bachelor down the dirt road...
It comes in the non-stop talking of women, as they plan an
event that will benefit a soul who is fighting for her very life...
It comes in that little group of children, who you get to associate with every Tuesday, as you LEARN together.
It comes in the phone call from a friend, who says "YES, I can help clean the church!"
I comes through that little THANK YOU, showing up in the mail, on the day you were about to loose your mind, and you
realize that "It's worth it!"
It comes in the warm embrace of those who will let you
HUG them.
It comes in the crazy text at 5:00am from a daughter who just wanted to tell you, she loves ya, and she is so glad you taught her, the value of hard, honest work.
It comes, and it comes, and it comes...if you are engaged in the living of life, and in sharing
Today, I just want to thank my Sisters, who I inherited in marriage.
They will never really know how they have influenced me
unless, I can try to emulate the good souls they are.
The older Sis, who traveled with me the first time I flew in an airplane. WOW, the necessity of chewing gum, and staying calm never had more meaning!
The Sister who sets the example of beauty in all that she does,
home, meals, kids and of course, herself.
The Sister, who married young, but has been able to keep up with all of her crazy "Older" Sisters, and who offered
me rest, at a time in my life...when my heart was broken, and I
just needed a quiet place to sleep.
The Sister, who lives where it is warm year round,
and sends me invitations to come and
visit whenever I want.
The Sister who has raised a family of ALL, sons...and is still
the constant grace in beauty amongst an overload of testosterone which is always in full evidence.
You have helped me define the reality, of a heart being able to enlarge in love.
And I thank you~
Live an honorable life.
Then when you get older and think back...
you'll be able to enjoy it
a second time.
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