Sunday, March 2, 2014


 ...listen and you will hear,
the breeze brushing softly through the grasses...
birds singing, your own heart beating...
your soul is waking up
and God whispers...
This is for you~

Who of you out there has memories all bottled up inside
 just waiting to be shared.

This picture evokes so many sentiments in life.
The energy, and relentless faith of children.
The belief, that WE could become anything, go anywhere,
do anything... we wanted to.  All we had to do was

Have you ever heard the saying:  "If the dream is 
BIG enough, the facts don't count?" 

I had never heard it until I was an adult.  It was at an
AMWAY meeting.  I was sitting in the 
audience, waiting to
become MOTIVATED!  It must have stuck
in my subconscious, because I have
never forgotten it...and when I
am up against a deadline, seemingly overwhelmed,
out of control, over scheduled...I think of
this, and how much HOPE, it
instilled in me.



It made me think of the Christmas present
LG, made for me one year.

It was the year we had put some money down
on a hunting camp, in the Teton Wilderness.
What a dream that was.

We had a young family of boys, one daughter...and
another one on the way.

We were "poor" in the pocket book,
but rich beyond our wildest dreams in every other

Our home was nestled at the base of the Teton mountain range,
just a ways off the Snake River.

The holidays were upon us.

The boys went out one afternoon, before their Dad, got home...
looking for the perfect tree.   What they came home with
would have to be propped up in a huge basket I
had in the dining room.
We popped corn, and strung it, along with cranberries off
the branches,  hung candy canes,
and other simple ornaments, on our
"Charlie Brown" tree.  
It was magic.

We scraped enough money together to purchase
a few items from Santa,
and told each other that we would get gifts
next year for the both of us.

And it was good.

Christmas Eve, was coming...

One night just at dusk, I see LG from our window in the 
kitchen bouncing down the snow covered hill
on the back of our snow machine.

He had something on his lap that defied description.
It was a huge, beautiful,
handmade chopping block...adorned with the
most precious grin from my guy.

Now the late nights in his absence were making sense.
He had gone to a friends wood shop
and pieced this beautiful
wood together, making something our kids
will fight over, when we die.

It is the first thing we move, when loading up the truck.
It has become the piece of furniture, that is used for 
everything but a chopping block...a corner table,
 a place of honor at the door, to catch all those odd things
you come home with.
It is the tree stand, since we have gone smaller
in our adornment over the years.

It is a constant reminder...that anything is possible,
if love is in the equation.

LeGrand, had not worked in a wood shop since Jr. High.
But he wanted to do something special.
His DREAM was bigger than our circumstances.
He would come home with
something for his woman, in spite of no money.

We celebrate
the the ordinary! 

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