...if plan A, does not work...
don't worry
the alphabet has 25 more letters!
So here we are at
41 years of "figuring IT out"...
I've thought a lot about what to share and what not,
you know sometimes you probably really should not share
But I am committed to sharing
What goes into a marriage of 39 years?
For us, it was five amazing, unique children.
Skeet, Rock, Zack, Starr & Britt
Living between
Utah, Wyoming and Idaho...
Trying numerous avenues to generate income...
Dreaming BIG....falling hard...picking yourself up.
Dreaming more.
Apartments, trailers, building our own home.
No major illnesses...but
Losing a son, to the ravages of Rx addiction.
Losing a son-in-law to a head on collision.
For LG, numerous broken bones...
C-5 vertebrae
lower back
For me, just asthma, and the cold that won't ever go away
a scare last spring with blood clots...
but mostly, just getting "older".
This is definitely the Reader's Digest version.
I remember one time, when we were still in the process of
figuring US, out.
I had been pretty down.
I was tired of the continual commitment
of NOT giving up...the day in and day out
grind was beginning to take it's toll.
The kids, their problems, schooling,
grind was beginning to take it's toll.
The kids, their problems, schooling,
my parents problems...my siblings problems...
getting to all the ball fields in the state on time,
with goodies in the car for afterwards...
(We had some all-star ball players in our little family).
Working full-time, holding
church callings that were demanding...
never enough time in the day, to feel like
I was on top of things.
I wanted OUT.
I figured if LG, had a reason big enough to not like me
any more...to maybe even hate me...
he would let me go.
So one night, we are laying in bed, and I tearfully roll over
and share something about myself...something
that was broken...something that had happened,
before we found each other.
It was horrible, it was dark...and it made me shameful.
I'm choking on my sobs...I just want this to be over.
I want him to release me...and truly find the happiness
he deserves.
I'm waiting...waiting...and he just gathers me up in his arms
and says, "I was so afraid, you were going to
tell me you did not love me anymore."
...really what more is there to be said
about the man, who
has this on his
ring tone...
for you
His woman?
No matter what the storm...we have learned to weather it.
I can honestly say,
I know if there are two parts of the heart working
you have a very amazing and
but if only half, is functioning
properly...that half will work extra hard
until the heart is whole.
When that happens,
there is not a word to describe
the incredible sureness
of what you have.
So Babe,
this is for you:
"Little Greatness"...man of eternal service and sunshine,
laughter and love...Gizzard grabber!
Who has shared your love of the outdoors, sports,
hunting, fishing...exploring with ALL of us.
We will never be the same.
It is in our DNA, to struggle and attain~
You have not doubted: Your Mother knew it...
Your love of singing...your love of the Gospel.
Your love of Louis L'Amour...
chocolate kisses, home-made ice cream...banana pudding,
Carolina Treat,
real fried chicken...elk steaks, home grown tomatoes,
marinara sauce (to die for)...sauteed mushrooms,
tying flies, skinning an elk...Led Zepplin, Neil Young..
Papovarti, The Mo Tabs...
puppy chow for the monster fish,
an afternoon of playing catch...cutting wood, stacking wood....
a "life line" for provoking questions.
The world's greatest cuddler...whether the demons are out or not.
Someone, who if given a chance, will forgive
All, because you do know what
the Atonement
is about.
Oh, my sweetheart, I am rambling all over the place, in memories
of you. YOU are LIFE!
You are bacon & grits, eggs, biscuits and gravy...any time any place. If this was your fare day in and day out,
you would eat happily.
Hey my ruggedly handsome, blue-eyed bandit...
I could write an entire book on how you manage to get us
all to laugh...at YOU, at ourselves...
at the idiots, around us.
Your famous line: "Get over it!"
Simply the best advice ever, I think it is what The Savior,
would say...you have just made it yours,
in your matter of fact, declaration.
LG, dressed up for me
in sporting the moment
of Christmas morning. For the man, who has
everything...I could not think of
what to get him.
Thus the wide red suspenders...and Duck Dynasty hat.
The other day, when we were working on the wood...
it was like the "old days", side by side...
climbing another mountain
My heart will always be with you, my soul beside you...
my laughter inside of you.
If this Eternity thing is for real...
I will love you
till the day after forever.