Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time...and meet myself as a kid!

Today is a gift...

So today, I have been busy cleaning out closets and getting rid of things to give to a goodwill.  Being a Nana, has it's perks...
it's easy to get rid of toys, that are broken, or some of the pieces
have gone by the wayside, or got lost under the couch,
or that dark hole in the closet, 
and under the bed.

Last week I got a call from Katfish,
a grandson who lives over in Kuna, Idaho.
He was so excited to tell me
that he and his Tia Starr, had cleaned out his toy room
and he had a BIG tote, full of toys he was
going to give to someone else.

He sounded so happy!

I know that his Momma, and Aunt had prepared
him for the joy of sharing, 
and it was magical! 
He was "giving Christmas" before the actual
day of giving was here.

These were toys he had played with and loved,
but had out grown.


The more we share...the more we have!

Then he said the sweetest thing,
"I'd give them all away, if I could come and visit with you
and Pap...you are more fun than toys!"

And he's right, human interaction will always
trump any gameboard or toy.
The more we give of ourselves, our time,
our love of life...the more investment
we make in the future. 

Time with Pap...is just sweet magic.
He chases, grabs "gizzards" and tickles the young ones 
to tears.  I go for stories, and making
wooden spoon bread, building blocks...and bubble baths
with songs as they are tucked in,
and it does not matter how 
old they are.

The summer our oldest grandson,
came to stay by himself, for a couple of weeks, 
was so wonderful.

One night as we were talking, he made the comment
that he was so grateful for this visit, because
it would be the last time he could really
be a kid.  Next birthday
he would be "12"...and become an adult.

That made a big old lump form in my throat.
Cause, I remember feeling exactly the 
same just before I turned 12.

Even though I was the oldest of six,
and had a lot of responsibility, I knew that turning twelve
was going to change that sphere of stewardship.

Now I am in my sixties...the sphere of
adulthood, motherhood, sisterhood,
has changed the way I do everything.

Mainly, I am not the daredevil I used to be.
I would still ride the Ferris wheel, but forget about getting on
the roller-coaster!

Climbing a mountain, has taken a back seat 
to riding through those beautiful
mountain passes, and taking pictures instead.

Still have dreams, that I want to accomplish.
I guess that part of childhood
will never dissipate.

The spirit of a child, has given me the greatest gift.

More than anything, I realize that
if I want to be happy...
well I just need to


Always fall asleep with a dream,
and wake with a purpose!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

There is a calmness to a life ~ lived in gratitude...a quiet joy*

Be gratedful for small things
and big things...
and all the in between things.

I think the older I get, the more I am attune to
the littlest things that make my heart smile.

Tonight as the sun was setting, the most incredible feeling of well being came to me.  I had stepped out on the porch to
bring in a couple of pieces of wood, for 
the stove.

There was a gentle breeze of wind, and the glacier lilies
were everywhere...a Stellar Jay, was honing in for 
one more treat of the day.  Bird seed is scattered randomly
and will make for happy robins when they make 
their debut.

I thought about my Mom, and how she worked so hard
to create a little piece of heaven on earth.
Most days it worked.
On the days it didn't,  the greatest creator of all,
always took up the slack...really he 
just enhanced everything she
put into place. 

Every flower must grow through dirt!

I love spring.

I love the promise of new birth that is evident everywhere.
Like the fading colors of fall, I look forward
to the brightness of new green
just busting out all over.

I enjoy getting out in the dirt, turning it over,
raking up the debris that has accumulated in all those
unassuming corners on the property.

I look forward to seeing things grow, getting my herbs
planted in their respective baskets...hanging color
pots off the porch...maybe even putting
a new coat of paint on the front door.

I am so grateful to be at a point in my years, where
I don't have to rush all the time, well unless I choose to.
It amazes me how much more time
I now, have for life!

There is beauty in the most common things,
to those who have eyes to see.

When I look at my herbs...I think of future soups,
artisan breads, and the flavor of
life enhanced.

I think of time spent cooking with family, of LG's
marinara that is a treat to the world.
I think of the first time he cooked for us on the
beach, in South Carolina.

I think of the years ahead to create more memories,
but I also give thanks for the experiences
the past affords us.

Some things just fill your heart
without trying...