Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Someone to watch over me...

...our greatest glory is not in failing...
rather rising each 
time we 

So we have grown through some character
building this week.
I say WE, because even though
the situation was focused
more directly on one of our children...we all
shared her suffering, outrage, heartache...
We all became more resolute in helping her
go forward, regroup...begin again.

Life is so tenuous, precious, ever changing...fluid.
We gurgle along as a brook over boulders, 
gathering in strength, 
in our momentum flowing along
creating a force which eventually grows into a mighty river
 at some point making our way... adding to the seas of the

I am just a Mom...a Wife, a Nana.
At times I feel like, a tired old woman who's greatest joy would
be to just sit in a chair, on the porch, in the sun...
Then something happens to a loved one
and I become a 

I pick up the torch of RIGHT...of compassion, and tenderness, of
decency, and flaming love.
The culprit of deceit 
and horrible hurt, did find it's way to our door. 
If he physically showed his face
it would be the last thing he
did in this earthly state. 
 I'm sure I would be standing in line
to hog tie him to a tree, paint him with honey, and pray for an
early spring bringing out our great bears of the wild.

There, now I've got that off my chest.

I heard just yesterday, that FB...the internet and such
is becoming a dangerous place for some to come visit because
people are becoming to depressed in comparing themselves
to everyone else out "there"...HUH?
You get what you look for.

I have found a place of refuge...a place of rebirth...a place of
laughter, and light.  Yes, admittedly there are gross and
very disturbing things as well,
  it's what you seek and focus on...these will be the things that fill your heart.
My promise to you is TRUTH, and resolve.
Honesty is a weighty proposition, but in the end pays great dividends.  I have learned this the hard way, for I am
 a mere mortal, who is fighting to find her
way as well...but what I have found
is worth the sharing...if it only helps,
 ONE in the doing.


Every morning you are given (24) hours.  
They are one of the 
few things in this world you get
If you had all the money in the world,
you could not buy an extra hour.
What will you do with this priceless treasure? 

So, so grateful for the knowledge
I have, that there are indeed warriors in goodness and light
who are watching over me and my family.
No matter what comes our way...we will get through it.
Together we win
Divided we fall
We win together...
or it's
No win at all! 

Sunday, January 26, 2014


I want to grow old, in an old cabin...
built by an old tree, in an
old forest...with my best friend...

The other day, my guy and I went on a drive about.
We set off for Hebgen Lake, over in Montana.

This time of year, you are guaranteed
to run into a few spirited rams that have
angled off the mountain, 
foraging for food.

I spend a lot of my time gazing out the window, as the scenery
flies by.  I am always deep in thought, and because
both of us are getting a little hard of hearing
we don't verbally say to much.
It is a silence, that is totally comfortable.

Once in a while though, I will turn towards him
and ask..."What ya thinkin'?"
At which point he rattles off a dozen or so things, and then grins and says..."That's just for starters."
I have this song playing, over and over in my head:

Homeward Bound
Bind me not, to the pasture...
chain me not, to the plow,
set me free to find my calling...
and I'll return to you somehow.

I have lived with a man of adventure, a free spirit, 
who was probably born, a hundred years to
late, to fall into the lifestyle, he eventually
has chose for himself.
I thought of  the days preceding a business trip
that took him to Istanbul, Turkey, and how
he groomed himself inside and 
out for the challenge.

The friendships that were born from that experience are ones
we will take into eternity.


I thought of the many, many times I have seen him
off, to earn our keep:
Chico, CA
Reno, NV
Mardis Gras'
Jackson Hole, WY
Mack's Inn, ID
Montana...again and again
Wyoming...never enough
It is crazy, but this man of mine...will sometimes drive over 
10-15 hours in a day,
finish his business, and
 return home...
to sleep 
in his own bed, with his woman. 

As we have gotten older, I appreciate this sacrifice of his
more and more, because I am not one who can
stay awake, for very long
if I am in a vehicle
to anywhere.  

Seriously,  just cruising to Utah, if I am 
en route by myself,
 sometimes I will have to pull over and take a quick little
cat nap, before finishing up that last 
hour or so of driving.

So anyway we found the 
sheep, the rams were still up top, grazing  under the trees
but the ewes and babies had ventured to the 
highway, eating grasses and licking up
road salt. 

To see a hillside blanketed in the white of winter
is to know a particular ecstasy of beauty.
But to share it...
to walk the gray winter woods and find
buds which will resurrect their 
beauty in to partake
of continuity.



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Just a blink...Part I

...making the decision to have a child is momentous!  
It is to decide forever to have 
your heart
go walking outside your body...

I shared a conversation the other day with one of our sons.
He made the comment that his wife had asked
if life was ever going to
get easy? 

If life were easy...It wouldn't be hard!
Our mortal experience is designed to test what we really care about, 
what we believe...what we really want to become,
and how we really feel about our Father and His Son...

We are to bear each other's burdens, even to absorb each other's burdens...
but not to cause each other's burdens. 

This comment gave me pause for a moment.  I told him
I always got anxious if things were too easy...
because then I knew another BIGGER
test was just around the corner.

I asked him what his response was.
He just grabbed her in his 
and gently reminded her of how blessed they really were.

I smiled...age will allow me that.
I smiled and sighed, and thought...this mortal existence
in the big scheme of things, is really
just a blink~


I was pulled back to a spring day when we loaded up
our new blazer and set off for an adventure.
We had invited a married couple
and the manger of 
a sporting goods store, who had become
a close friend.

Remember I said Blazer...this was back in the day, when seat belts were not mandatory...
we crammed ALL of everything we needed, including our
KIDS, in the very back.
Packing up all the fishing gear, and fixin's for a 
wiener roast, homemade potato salad, Texas fudge cake...extra coats, gloves and pants for our three little
boys, we headed out for a remote lake, above
Boulder, Wyoming.

I did say it was spring, right?  Spring in Wyoming, means 
there is still snow.
Oh the sky was a brilliant blue...and the sun was just blasting off
the sparkling patches of snow, dabbled up
under the sagebrush and covering the dirt trail we were on.

I am married to a man, who has redefined...
what pushing the envelope means.
There isn't a road, anywhere that he would not try to access
if the destination was worth it. 

Breaking trail on a flat surface, with four wheel drive, is a piece of cake.  We had to navigate just a little hillside, and 
the lake was just around the behind those
pines yonder'...

Hang on!  Pushing snow just a bit further.  And then off  we 
went sliding into a rut that must have been created the previous fall during the rainy season.  Covered by all of that
blistering, deceiving white, stuff!

We were so could not open the passenger side door.
Everyone,  had to climb out over the drivers seat.


We had five adults, that could get us out of this situation,
and still plenty of daylight, to do what we had come for.


Were we planning on impressing our guests with this outcome?
Were we creating a memory, worth reliving?
Was this something hard...that was going to be worth the effort?

Five hours later, with back breaking shoveling,
sagebrush strategically placed in front of tires...some laughter and easy banter...mostly frustrated adults, who were by now really hungry, and past the point of living out the hope of wetting a line...
We paused. 

The sun, was dipping lower into the west.
We were not going to get out of this without some help
from another source.  I did not want to sleep in the vehicle. 

The boys had been
having the time of their life.  They just wanted to know if
they were going to get to go fishin'?  "Daylights burning Dad!"

Out of humble frustration,
I called on our little men...and asked them if they could help us out.
I have shared before how I know the prayers of children
are miraculous in the nature of those who are
speaking to our Father.
Innocence, and pure in heart...belief.

It wasn't that I had not prayed myself.  I was praying non-stop...but confusing the issue, with expletives every now and then. 

Off they went to the privacy of the trees.

Oh, I can still see them holding hands, laughing as they
fell into the snow, jumping up...and walking on.

And then

They were gone longer than I thought that a simple prayer should have taken.  I was getting a little worried...maybe
they had found the lake, and got side tracked, and were 
throwing rocks...or making little boats out of the undergrowth.

I can still visualize them clamoring over the covered
brush.  The sun was creating the most delightful
silhouette's...there was no talking,
just a resoluteness in purpose.

When they reached our group, they quietly announced to me and their Dad, that help was on the way.

"How do you know?"

Dumbest question ever.

"Haven't YOU taught us, that prayer works?"

It wasn't five minutes later, we could hear the struggle of another 4x4 rumbling in on the broken trail, we had created earlier in the day. 

Between their truck and our tow ropes, we were able to wrench
that poor Blazer free...with enough time left to wet a hook. 

Honestly, I can't remember a better tasting burnt hot dog.

I promise, the event was memorable.

I guess where I am going with the tell of this tale is this:
Life is matter what, comes your way.
We have a way of humbling ourselves
don't we?

...opportunities to put the test
of what you profess, will sooner or later...find their
way to your door step.

Great are our blessings.  Tremendous is our responsibility.  Let us get on our knees and plead with the Lord for direction.
Then let us stand on our own feet
square up our shoulders
march forward without fear
to enlarge among people everywhere
that we KNOW who we are.

Children of the Lord~

Love one another.
Serve one another.
Be prayerful.
Be humble.
Be grateful.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

God's all around you.

...there is no wifi
in the forest, but I promise...
you'll find a better 

 Today, I was lucky enough
to drive in pure sunshine on the way to clean
a cabin out on Boot Jack, Drive.

It was glorious.
I thought of how as a teenager, after I had bought
my first little car, a VW Beetle...I so enjoyed
my "drive abouts".

Every now and then I
would tell my folks I was going to church...and off I would
head to the mountains...
the trees, the lake...or gurgling creeks.

The sacredness and wonder of nature,
was all this troubled heart ever needed to feel whole again.
I still feel that...however, I have 
also found great harmony, sense of purpose,
promise and absolute JOY
in attending church.

I never, felt bad...when I discovered that my own 
children, had found the same sense of solace
and contentment in the mountains.
and would sometimes
sneak off,

"Climb the mountains
and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you 
as sunshine flows
into the

The winds will blow their own 
freshness into you...and the storms their
while care will drop off 
like autumn 

~John Muir

Love that quote.  Saw it on a friends timeline again
today, and I smiled. 


I am reminded of the time I was asked to decorate
for a wedding at the top of 
Alta's Ski Resort.

My first thought was, how to improve on perfection?
The mountain setting, is God's
My second was, this is not going to work, because
the Mother- in- Law who is 
paying for it

But, being in partnership with God, always has 
a happy ending. 

Every time I worked with fresh flowers for any event...I felt such an incredible
touch of my Father in Heaven...inspiring me to do it just right.

  We made it
work, with wildflowers,
sunflowers, ivy, lemon leaf, pine boughs,
and a hydrangea, here and there
for extra vibrant color.
It was a masterpiece...and memorable.
We used river rocks
for the wedding guest place cards,
riotous wreaths, encircled the post of the umbrella'd
outdoor tables, with huge hurricane lanterns,
a large candle set amongst
more rocks.

Bagpipers, heralded the wedding couple 
up the mountainside for the ceremony.
The sun had dipped behind
a cloud, and a faint breeze offered the 
perfect refreshment.

It was the weekend of the July 24th..and hot.
I did not have an air conditioned car...
and had made Starr & Britt, sit in the back
and babysit the arrangements
and brides bouqet
with misters...
from Orem, to the top of 
Little Cottonwood canyon. 
They have always been the best helpers.

Among the trailing of white twinkle lights
and greenery galore
the flowers were just icing on the cake.
It was magic.

I made friends on the East coast...and West Coast
that day.

Whoever finds a friend...finds a treasure.

Sometimes, mine are the trees.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Drugs...Death...and Dancing! Part VI

I thought I wept...for days that were,
but I did not~
I shed my tears, for the me, that would not be...again.

I just love this picture.

It was taken at Mack's Inn, ID.  2008 at
Thanksgiving time.
It was the last time, 
our immediate family, was able to get together.

I want to make a statement here.

THE life! 
It is the infinite, and the minute moments of everything
that comes along.  For me, as a Mom, as a Lover,
Auntie...Nana, friend, daughter...grand is being 
able to embrace life, no matter what.

It is courage, it is momentary despair, it is beauty 
in the simple pleasures, or the great pleasures.
It is
recognizing God's hand in everything, 
and expressing
my thanks~

It is reaching out to people...doesn't have to be a 
big thing...doesn't even have to be a "thing"...
could be a silent prayer in their behalf,
could be the phone call that let's them know, 
they matter,
could be the gentle touch on their shoulder,
in passing by.


Last night, I was busy heating up LG's marinara, to go with
some fresh spinach and cheese ravioli's.
Salad was made, table set...candles lit.
I had turned on the broiler, to toast a few bread sticks.
All of a sudden I noticed the kitchen filling with smoke,
and it was pouring out of the seal near the
oven door.
I cracked it open to see why...

Oh my heck, I had forgotten, that we had leftover pizza,
in the box from the other night.
And it was a full-fledged, all out flame!!

I must have screamed, I was grabbing inside to get it,
when there was my man,
pushing me out of the way, and taking the inferno,
out of my hands. 

I saw my life pass before my eyes...
Throwing it into the sink and blasting away with the faucet...
I began to blow on it!
Why it didn't snake up and grab the curtains above us,
I have  no idea.
Why LG & I did not burn our hands...
I have NO idea.

I took another deep breath and said, I can't believe  this...
and then there was this
black stinky, smoldering piece of
cardboard, being tossed outside to die in the snow.

I felt like a little kid.
I waited for the reprimand, or the stern look...
something, anything,
that let me know
this was stupid, and should not have happened.

But, it never came.

A few minutes later, we were seated at the table...holding
hands, ready for a prayer on the food.

I peeked with one eye to look at my guy...wondering why
he had not started to pray.
There he was sneaking a peek at me, grinning away...
shaking in controlled laughter, that
could not be contained, and 
in an all out guffaw!

Lord, have mercy!  And THANK YOU,
for keeping, us & the house free from harm, and the ravages
of a fire.

Tomorrow, has deep cleaning, written all over it~


People may forget what you say...
They may forget what you do,
They will never forget the way you make them feel

I like me best, when I'm with...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The biggest trouble maker, you'll ever meet...says HI to you in the mirror, every day.

If your eyes are'll see things
worth seeing!
So today saw me off, to the races!
I had an early morning meeting, with a gentleman providing me with another opportunity to grow.
You know, I have never outgrown my love for coloring, and 
I am finally...making a wee bit of money from it.
What inspires someone like me?
A kid inside, who has never quite grown up.
As a young'un, years and years ago, my cousin and I
would literally color for hours at a time.
It was our goal...this time set aside, after all chores were
done, inside and outside of the home.
She lived next door to me.
We were more than cousins...we were the very best of friends.
We did everything together,including getting in trouble. 

I will never forget the spring when Grandpa Park,
had set out the beehives...close to the apple orchards.
Those curious white boxes, were HONEY holders.
Now there was something that needed exploring.
It was early in the day...the sun, had just started to warm
 the grasses under our feet.  
The hives were humming with activity, a droning buzz so intriguing for
the mind of a child.
Every child is born a naturalist.
Their eyes are by to the glory of  everything 
around them.
The stars, flowers, apple trees...
just the sweet mysteries of life.
Diane, being the oldest...said she would take a peek first.
The shock of seeing her covered in bees, yelling and swatting at everything! 
It was obvious, this was the reason, we were told to stay away,
I ran crying, and screaming for help, as she collapsed to the ground. 
I could not have been more than four years of age.

This became a horrible nightmare.
She had to be hospitalized, for shock, and became so allergic
that she will carry an epi-pen, for the rest of her life.

All I got from it, was a whoppin'
and not being able to 
color for a few days, with the person who meant
the world to me.
I thought about this today
as I was driving home from my "coloring contract".
I need to call my cuz,
just to say "hi"...and do you remember when?

I used to spend so much time reacting and responding to everyone else that my life had no direction.  Other peoples lives,
problems, and wants set the course for my life.
Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify
what I wanted...remarkable things
began to happen.
All along the way...I colored.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Death...Drugs...and Dancing: Part V

"I want to love another woman, as much as I did Erin, my ex-wife.
I want to love all of my family, relatives and friends, as much as the Savior loves me.
I want to love all human beings unconditionally.
I want to love much as I did
when I was a child...
without a worry or care in the world."
December 2009

So, here we are...another day in the life of
As you have probably deduced...I had to put this one to the side for a couple of days. The memories, just would not taper off.

I'm at a loss, as to where the best place would be to pick up...and complete this phase. Our youngest son was given another chance at life.  His years in Idaho, the first time, with his older brother and their family, was filled with healing, work, and some sunshine along the way.  I do not know what precipitated his relapse...probably too much stinkin' thinkin'~Really, I do not know. Years before when he walked out of the hospital, he had accrued numerous debts, to society, hospital bills, etc.  He had lost his wife to divorce, his truck, and his driving privliege.  That's a lot, for a young buck.
...if you find yourself, in a hole...the first thing to do is stop diggin'...
 One day
we got a phone call, saying that he had been kicked out of their home, because of lying...and not living up to the code of honor he had committed to, while living under their care.
I understood where they were coming from...I'd been there, and lived through it.
 I drove to Rexburg,...and brought him homeProbably should not have, it is so easy to say...shoulda'...coulda'...woulda'...

This is where I wish, I could erase every hurtful, unreasonable action he lived through.  He would disappear for days on end, and then come by to say,  "Hi, I'm still alive...but wish I did not have this monkey around my neck".  He shared stuff with me, I will never be able to get out of my head.  Who his supplier was, where the scripts were coming in from, and his fear of taking action...for fear of what would happen to his family.

Well, I wasn't afraid...
I figured, nothing could be worse than the death we were already living through, so we did what we could...
 Shortly, thereafter...we took an opportunity to move north to Idaho.  My husband became the GM, at one of the resorts up here, and it provided an opportunity for any of our family who wanted a new follow us.
Several did...and we had backbreaking bliss, for a couple of years. 

In spite of himself, he never really quit trying~his journals are full of entries with goals, abundant love and future ambitions.  Up until the week he died, he was willing to do whatever society asked of him...court appearances, weekend jail time, random blood and urine tests...anything to pay back his debt of broken laws.

And then 2010
our year of a 1,000 tears.

January of that year, our first loss...our beloved hound, Bison.  He had been a member of our family for 14 years...he was one of us, and ours sons, companion.
Was the old wives tale of: tragedy comes in threes, true?
Unfortunately for was a year of unspeakable sadness in death.
First Bison, my sweet Mother, our precious son-in-law...
a brother, and then our
youngest son.

One night, he was drinking at the bar...he had replaced alcohol for pills, an addict, is an addict...he had just changed 
one form for another. 

 When he was under the influence of  alcohol...he was not himself, he became mean...and that is where he lost his balance.  He had put so much overload on his brain function, in the past with pills, and now alcohol, that he began to have uncontrollable seizures...It paralyzed all of us.

The bar scene, inflicted a fight in the parking lot, leaving him with 
injuries to an ankle that required surgery.
 One plate and 12 screw later, with oxycontins for pain,
I knew they cycle would begin, again. 

I should back up...I should tell you about the wonderful days
we had, living outside of Jackson Hole...the kids were young, LG was busy taking hunters, on horseback into the Teton Wilderness.
On a sunny day you would find me outside, hanging wash on the line...enjoying
the fact that I could. 

I should tell you, of the adventure of sending my young'uns out to cut down a tree, before their Dad got home that night...and their coming home with an evergreen that would put any Charlie Brown tree, to shame...we gave it a place of honor in a huge basket propped upright, in our kitchen.

I should tell you, of the hours and hours, we all spent at every ball field in the state, school ball, city leagues, and all-star teams...
American Legion. 

I should tell you of the nights, outside on the lawn, laying on a blanket looking up at the stars...sharing dreams, dreams...and more dreams.

I should tell you of the hours spent, building little towns, with the most detailed roads, cabins...and horse pastures
that a "little mind" could imagine...on hills of dirt
in the garden.

I should tell you of excellence in the mountains, tracking a big game animal...calling in an elk, until you feared he might charge right over the top of you.

I should tell you of the hours, and hours spent with nephews,
playing ball...showing them the needed tenderness
to have your the bidding of
his master.

I should tell you of the night, when we rolled our suburban off a 45' cliff, ending in the cold waters of the Provo River...
and it was this son, who had the presence of 
mind to call us all together for his
Dad, climbed up the side of the mountain to go for help.

It was late at night in November of 2009
and I received the following text:
"Mom, success is who you are and what you are doing each day and night.  Success is a way of traveling, tilling and gardening...failure is delay, not defeat!  Successful people believe in dreams...successful people share their dreams...successful people work their plans.
I love you, Mom...I believe in you."  

I saved this on my phone, for two years, until the phone had to be replaced.
December 10,2010

Zackery James Ellison
Died of aspiration to the lungs, from a seizure...
brought on from years of
prescription abuse. 

To the reader:
"Promise me you'll remember, you're braver than you 
believe...stronger than you seem...
smarter than you think!"  
Christopher Robin

If you are someone facing the reality of a loved one who is an 
and wondering just where the heck do you go
from here...I always compare myself to one of Irish 
character.  I say:
Look at the trees, maimed, stark and misshapen, but 
ferociously tenacious!  May you carry the 
scars of love and success...

Make a plan, 
work your plan, ask questions...ask for help.
Take nothing for granted, stay humble, and pray often.

In spite of the devastation of losing a son, 
I am so glad we had him for as long as we did...
the JOY of Zack,
far outweighed the nightmare.